This project uses sugar cane waste to create renewable energy in the East Indian state of Bihar. By utilising a by-product of the sugar cane industry, this project simultaneously tackles organic waste while also creating a more sustainable energy source for the local region.
This biomass power project is fuelled by bagasse, the fibrous byproduct of sugarcane that remains after the stalks are crushed to extract their juice. The 14.5 MW capacity biomass power plant is connected to the NEWNE regional grid system, supplying renewable energy throughout the region.
To date, this project has supplied over 10.93MW of renewable energy to the Bihar State Electricity Board (BSEB), and also powers the local sugar plant from which the bagasse is sourced. Because this power source produces less greenhouse gas emissions than the fossil fuels that traditionally power the regional energy grid, it has reduced CO2 emissions by over 321,987t since its inception in 2012.
According to the UN, an estimated 840 million people live without access to electricity. The majority of those excluded from access to electricity are located in rural areas within developing nations. Energy access is directly linked to economic development and therefore by feeding the grid and improving local energy access in Bihar, this project helps foster sustainable economic development. Additionally, the project directly supports the creation of 40-45 jobs within the local community.
This project is registered as a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. For more information and reports visit the UN site here.
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